X  Close Cooling down with a chance of rain multiple days.
Conditions Temp Precipitation Windspeed Direction UV index Pressure
Sunday rain Cloudy skies throughout the day with a chance of rain throughout the day. 67°53° 0.58 in 84% 13-22 mph SE SE
30.14 ↓
Monday rain Partly cloudy throughout the day with storms possible. 75°64° 0.07 in 51% 9-11 mph SSW SSW
29.95 ↓
Tuesday rain Partly cloudy throughout the day with a chance of rain. 78°64° 0.29 in 51% 7-10 mph SSE SSE
29.78 ↓
Wednesday rain Partly cloudy throughout the day with a chance of rain. 84°65° 0.02 in 47% 14-21 mph WSW WSW
29.62 ↑
Thursday rain Partly cloudy throughout the day with a chance of rain throughout the day. 76°66° 0.07 in 77% 14-21 mph SE SE
29.72 ↓
Friday rain Partly cloudy throughout the day with a chance of rain. 74°62° 0.58 in 74% 13-21 mph W W
29.68 ↓
Saturday rain Partly cloudy throughout the day with early morning rain. 67°56° 0.05 in 56% 15-24 mph NW NW
29.57 ↑
Sunday partly-cloudy-day Partly cloudy throughout the day. 70°53° - 15-24 mph WNW WNW
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