X  Close Warming up with a chance of rain multiple days.
Conditions Temp Precipitation Windspeed Direction UV index Pressure
Wednesday rain Partly cloudy throughout the day with storms possible. 30°19° - 6-10 m/s WSW WSW
1004.4 ↑
Thursday rain Partly cloudy throughout the day with a chance of rain. 22°16° 9.14 mm 70% 6-9 m/s NE NE
1006.1 ↓
Friday rain Partly cloudy throughout the day with late afternoon rain. 17°12° 3.66 mm 60% 6-8 m/s NNW NNW
1002.4 ↑
Saturday rain Partly cloudy throughout the day with a chance of rain. 18°10° 1.22 mm 60% 5-7 m/s SSW SSW
1008.5 ↑
Sunday rain Partly cloudy throughout the day with early morning rain. 19°11° 0.61 mm 54% 6-9 m/s NW NW
1010.2 ↑
Monday partly-cloudy-day Partly cloudy throughout the day. 22°11° 17.68 mm 28% 6-9 m/s SSW SSW
1014.6 ↓
Tuesday partly-cloudy-day Partly cloudy throughout the day. 23°15° 3.66 mm 33% 6-9 m/s S S
1011.5 ↓
Wednesday rain Partly cloudy throughout the day with a chance of rain. 22°16° 14.02 mm 57% 7-10 m/s SSE SSE
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